Technology Exploration

 This section captures some of the Technology I used during the course of the MSc


It is difficult to image how I would manage without some form of cloud storage.
Installing cloud storage applications such as Dropbox, Skydrive and Google drive means my data is up to date and accessible any-time and anywhere from any of my devices . Management of work,college and personal
data is made so much easier through the
use of theses cloud storage applications.

Dropbox proved to be a useful resource during the Instructional Design Project .We used  a wikis to host our final resource but we could not embed the articulate files directly into wikis .
The Dropbox sharing functionality provided us with a workaround for this problem.

I've been aware of the Twitter application for a number of years now but it was not until I joined this MSc course that a number of my classroom colleagues persuaded me to join the online twitter community.
It has proved to be an invaluable resource for checking out the latest trends in e-learning, technology and education. I now follow some of the major players in the Learning Analytics field.
I along with a number of my colleagues experimented with the Tweetchat application to discuss the findings of the 2013 Horizon Report.

You can follow out Tweetchat here. 

Prior to the commencement of the MSc I never experimented with blog tools such as Wordpress but during the Instruction Design Project it proved to be an invaluable resource.

As previously outlined , this website was an excellent collaborative resource for sharing our ideas, brain storming and feedback on different stages of the design and implementation of the project.

I have been ScreenCast0Matic extensively during the course of the MSc. It is used for recording videos, audio and capturing screen content. There is also the option to record camera and computer screen at the same time which I have found extremely useful when demonstrating something or creating a help video for my year two resource. The application presents you with an intuitive interface and makes it easy to upload video content to the internet.

Teamviewer is a remote control application that enables you to access your computer remotely from any smart held device. Whilst I mainly use this application for work purposes is has proved beneficial during the course of the M Sc.

A more detailed overview as this application is available here.

VirtualBox is a free software application that enables you to build virtual pc's on your existing laptop or desktop computer. It is useful application when you want to test if a software program works properly on a different platform.

I covered this application as part of an elevator pitch which you can read more about here.


Projeqt is software application that enables you to use digital media content  to create dynamic presentations. It is an application I discovered during the Creativity and Critical Thinking module whereby we used it as a storyboard application to capture our teams progression through the module. A creative storyboard platform is the best way of describing this application. Further information is available on the Projeqt website.


Tumblr is a social media blogging application that enables you to share digital content such as photo's , text,videos, music . It is easy to integrate this app with other social media applications such as Twitter and Facebook.

Further information is available here.

 Express Scribe

This is a free software application that was recommended to me by my project supervisor.

It is very useful piece of software for transcribing the interviews . It enables you to set the pace at which the interviewee/interviewer is talking so that it matches your typing skills (slow/medium/fast speed as the menu above menu outlines). It also enables easy configuration of hot keys options for pause, resume,forward , rewind and is an application I would recommend for anyone who has to transcribe recordings.Further information is available here.

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